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Floorplan Studio is based in Cadigal country, part of the Eora Nation nowadays referred to as Sydney, Australia. The Gadigal People are part of seven clans in the Eora Nation and have an extensive culture, ecology, stories and songlines unique to their region. Floorplan pays respect to First Nations people and their Elders, Past, Present and Emerging.
Copyright 2023, Floorplan Studio
As a bath, it provides your bird neighbours with a place to drink, to bathe, and to cool down.
For Sale?
Not for sale
Structural timber, plywood, melamine veneer, found bowl, long bolts, threaded rod, found camping cup, tubestock, water, solar fountain pump
Bird Bath for a Balcony
For Sale?
Not for sale
Structural timber, plywood, melamine veneer, scrap wood, wild bird seed
Bird Feeder Stool
Mori is a collaborative project about architecture: its place in the world, its tangents and its culture. It is an open question prompted by the proliferation of real estate and bad development in our global cities, an acknowledgement that architecture is a world-building act (political and altogether human). Mori makes work, but more importantly makes space: for collaboration, for exhibition, for research, for performance, live talks and screenings to be presented, for all those informal but crucial conversations amongst each other. It is a cultural institution built by its relationality. Find us at 24 Victoria St Lewisham in the old convenience store.
Artwork Statement
Bird bath for a balcony and Bird feeder stool are DIY assemblages to appropriate your home to respond to climate resilience and multi-species care. These assemblages are constructed of a few elements that are easily acquired or can be found as household waste​​. In this iteration, timber and plywood is bolted together to clamp around a balustrade handrail, with variations on the top surface to hold a shallow dish for water or to create crevices to hold bird seed.
Ideally positioned in front of an operable window, Bird bath for a balcony can generate a modest amount of evaporative cooling when a breeze comes through. As a bath, it provides your bird neighbours with a place to drink, to bathe, and to cool down. Bird baths are especially important in times of drought as a reliable source of water in our urban habitats. It should be placed along a balcony with a good distance from any trees to safeguard the birds from any four-legged predators. Clean water should be renewed regularly to prevent stagnation and mosquito infestation. Additions to the assemblage can make it much more enjoyable as a bird bath. Rocks can be placed in the tray to provide birds with a perch; a small solar-powered water pump fountain or a hanging container of water with a hole for a small drip will attract more birds to the sounds of running water.
Bird feeder stool demonstrates that this iteration can be taken off the balcony handrail and used as a standalone furniture element. Recesses made between slats of scrap timber hold bird seed and a piece of fruit could be nailed to the top for more gustatory variety. When not in use, it can be enjoyed as a stool.